If you hate the thought of saying an affirmation to yourself each day or just never thought it was something that you would do, you may want to give affirmations a chance and reap the benefits they can bring. An affirmation, or a positive short phrase or sentence that we say to ourselves and then repeat throughout the day as needed, is reassuring. It provides reassurance to us that we have some control over our realities and that by repeating the affirmation, we can affect a very real outcome.
Affirmations help to change the wiring of our brain’s pathways so that we can begin thinking in a more positive way. Affirmations break the pattern of negative thinking that we may be stuck in, and the too often accompanying words and phrases that go along with it.
You will also find affirmations helpful to keep important things in perspective which may otherwise get lost in your daily shuffle. Whether you are working to bring about a specific goal or looking to have more positivity and gratitude in your life overall, affirmations can be an important tool in your spiritual toolbox.
You can google for affirmations to use or you can write your own. I would suggest a simple basic meditation technique be practised first for a few minutes to balance yourself and get in the right “head space”. Then write 10 affirmations that you can use daily. Don’t judge or edit, just write the first things that come to mind. Pick your favourites and then you are all set.
Each day repeat your affirmations slowly and mindfully. If you can try a few minutes of meditation first that is great, otherwise just take a few deep slow breaths first. Don’t rush your affirmations, say them mindfully and slowly and try to “feel” them with your whole being as you say them.
It takes time to begin a new habit, especially one that involves changing the way that we think about something. Don’t lose heart if you don’t take to the daily affirmations right away. Just keep on with your new affirmations practice and over time it will become something that you miss if you skip it in your daily routine. You may wish to sit down and write new affirmations regularly as your needs and thought patterns or events in your life change. It is important to find what works for you. And most importantly, enjoy yourself.
Below are a few simple affirmations to get you started:
1. I can overcome the obstacles that I am so afraid to deal with and will achieve my goal of ____________.
2. Today is a new day with new opportunities.
3. I am a being of light and happiness, I will hold that throughout the day.
4. I am in control of my own choices and the words that I speak.
5. I am grateful for my family and loved ones and the time that I have with them today.